Communicating With Your Students

Communicating With Your Students

Communicating With Your Students

UVACanvas Communication Tools

In the UVACanvas system, there are two primary ways to communicate with your course: Announcements and Canvas Inbox. (Announcements is the recommended strategy.) If you prefer to send an Email to your class from Outlook, an email list would need to be created and managed outside of UVACanvas.

Learn more about using Announcements, Inbox, and Email in Instructor FAQs.


You may find these resources helpful as you help students access your course sites in UVACanvas. Below you will find customizable resources such as an email template, sample language to include in your syllabus, and an announcement template. 

Email Template: Instructor to Enrolled Students

To: Students Enrolled In Your Course
From: Instructor Name

Subject: Important Course Info for ___ <Insert Course Name>___ 


UVACanvas is the central online learning platform for UVA. All ___<insert school name>___ courses that have an accompanying online course site, including __<insert course name>__, will use UVACanvas.

You will need to log in to your new UVACanvas account to access online materials for this course.

Getting Started in UVACanvas: Top Things to Know

  1. Make sure you can log in. Log in to UVACanvas using your NetBadge credentials. (Need help with NetBadge?) 
  2. Know how to get UVACanvas help. Students have access to 24/7 support from Canvas! To get help, log in to UVACanvas and click Help in the main navigation. Alternately, you can select one of the options like Live Chat on the Getting Help webpage
  3. A new mobile app is available. Visit the App Store or Google Play and search for Canvas Student. To connect your app to UVACanvas, tap “Find my School” and search for “University of Virginia (UVA).” With the UVACanvas mobile app, you can quickly view grades and announcements and send messages.

If you are new to Canvas, or would like a refresher, check out this 3.5-minute tutorial video. You can also view Canvas Student Guides for “How Do I?” instructions.

Sample Syllabus Language

UVACanvas & Access to Online Course Materials

This course will use an accompanying course site in UVACanvas.

Access Our Course in UVACanvas:

Log in to UVACanvas using your NetBadge credentials. (Need help with NetBadge?)

Getting Started:

  • New to Canvas? Learn the basics in this 3.5-minute tutorial video.
  • A mobile app is available.
    Visit the App Store or Google Play and search for Canvas Student. To connect your app to UVA Canvas, tap “Find my School” and search for “University of Virginia (UVA).” With the Canvas mobile app, you can quickly view grades and announcements and send messages. 
    *Please do not use the mobile app for taking quizzes and tests.
  • Know how to get UVACanvas help.


Announcement Template: Instructor to Students

This announcement could be used in a variety of formats, including as an announcement in UVACanvas to your course.

This course will use an accompanying course site in UVACanvas.
To get ready, make sure you can log in to UVACanvas using your NetBadge credentials. (Need help with NetBadge?) Also, you may find it helpful to download the new mobile app to quickly view grades and announcements and send messages. Visit the App Store or Google Play and search for Canvas Student. To connect your app to UVACanvas, tap “Find my School” and search for “University of Virginia (UVA).” 24/7 support, including live chat, is available on Getting Help page.